Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Family photos.. and more!

Well sorta not so many worked out...I hate the tripod! BUT I did get a few that i'll share.

 and here are a few from our super wet/fun halloween! We were cowboys and indians...if you didn't already guess.

Mikes beard has been grown out for this next picture!


We could quite possibly be considered the ultimate yucky cowfolk! Mike was all to comfortable in his get up! Sadly he fit into the pants that I was wearing..Humph! And yes they are past my belly button and I am so glad I never have to wear them again..BUT it was hilarious!
We were late (and dark) sooo pictures didn't turn out very awesome but at least we get the gist of it right?

NEXT Was a bit ago when we took a trip to Dino park..H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.. Don't take your 3 yr old to there when they have it outfitted for halloween. Mylie didn't like all the scary stuff. Sadly i thought it was so funny to watch her get scared to death..Is that mean? Oh well it will forever remain in my brain! Oh and the moving dinos inside really could have put her on her death bed due to an early heart attack! Like I said it was hysterical! So I am assuming the play ground was her fav!

 Bronson didn't want to leave this particular spot apparently! Loves the ducks in the pond!


 Mylie went with Mike to his moms ward carnival and she got to ride a horse! {could be her favorite animal at the moment!} Got her face painted and lots of prizes!

This is it for now I am sure I have more to come!


Sharstin said...

love the halloween costumes! too cute~ and your fam picts turned out great~

Kierstyn said...

I love the family picture and the picture of the two girls on the couch. Very cute!

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

Wow Ash..I just update myself. Haven't looked at blogs or posted for so long! Mike looks way too comfortable in those jeans! You guys are too funny! Your girlies are absolutely beautiful! Need to see you guys again! I miss ya lotso!