Thursday, August 5, 2010

WOW it's been a while!

Well that is because I seem to have over booked myself..Which I LOVE that I can do that! I love meeting all these amazing families and cute kids! BUT I truly am looking forward to spending some more time with my growing family and less time editing! I'm sure I will be behind the camera the same amount though..

   I can't even fathom how fast time has flown and we are now on official count down. One month away! We are still having trouble giving her a name though. We have run into many problems with the names we like..They are all to similar sounding to Mylie or other family members names and I am weird and worry about that kinda stuff. So we have yet to come to a conclusion. But she is growing well and moving lots. We predict that she will be similar to Mylie's weight at the rate she is going now...which is small...which makes ya know... happy! I just don't know if I could handle anything bigger than a loaf of bread HA HA that is gross! Mylie is slowing understanding what is going to happen BUT I think we are all in for a surprise.

    I wish I had pictures to upload of our summer outings and holidays BUT I lost them and it was tragic for me. Still makes me tear up when I think of all the cute memories that I had captured! I hope they forever stay in me cause Mylie has grown so much this summer. She is officially potty trained! No accidents! No Pull-ups! Just cute little girly undies! She even wakes up to go to the potty in the middle of the night! Three months of hard work totally puts a smile on my face every time I hear "MOOOOOMMMMM I am done!" She is amazing at helping me cook, clean and make messes! She has been such a joy and a turd all in a matter of minutes....seconds. I have loved it all though. I just hope she keeps progressing when little sis comes along to move in on some of her territory!  We shall see shortly ....
This is a glorious moment for me...She actually sat and let me take some pictures of her! So I'll share my ever so darling little "big" girl.


Sharstin said...

she is a doll ash!can't believe you only have a month left! yay! you look awesome~ it was so fun meeting you--and we are so excited to see the picts:) said...

She is gorgeous! Glad I got to meet her before she got too big! Hope all goes well with number 2... 2 girls is fun - trust me!

Harris Family said...

AHHHH she is so stinkin adorable! You are due in 3 days-unless you already had your baby. I can't wait to see photos. And where is a photo of you at 9 months prego?